Al Khabara Dhaka-Shah

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Happy Birthday to our D-litter 10 years old today Damitha in Germany, Dhaka-Shah and Dhakra in Estonia, other in our golden memories…

Pictured is Dusya ( C.I.B Multi CH Al Khabara Damitha) who is living a real queen Mother life in Germany  where she is proud dam of Al Naqawa A- and C-litters and granddam of the current D-litter born in August 2015.

We are glad to see our bloodlines going on so beautifully in Germany, Sweden and USA.


Hello from Dhaka  ( Al Khabara Dhaka Shah).

Dhaka is from our D-litter born 2004 and enjoying his retirement days, like all the Salukis do- also Dhaka loves happy couching.

Pictured here with lil’ buddy kitty and there is many new photos  form him while happy couching but also having fun in snow in  last winter and also with his lifetime buddy Marius, the Dogo Argentino who, I guess, is even older than Dhaka is.

Dhaka is owned and loved by Ene and Kalle in Estonia.

Please see whole new gallery of lovely Dhaka here:

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