Al Khabara Extravaganza

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One nice sunny day we packed our younger ones (15 month old) to van and took off to southern Estonia to visit Tentel ( Al Khabara Extravaganza) and her lovely family  Jane and Aivo and her friends whippets.

What a great time it was for everyone in Aivo’s and Jane’s beautiful garden!  Chill! We took lot photos, to be honest, I found it out later that I took sooooo many photos. Every time  resizing photos for upload, I remind that to myself but for so deaf ears! So  it turns out a photo blog post and a memory of nice beginning of summer!

Pictured on group photo from left is Smokey ( Al Khabara Let Me Be Your Sensation), Roxanna  (Al Khabara Lovin’ Tiger Lily)  Jane, Tentel and her friend and best buddy Lotta, Aivo,  and Alex with Phoebe ( Al Khabara Lily Of The Valley).

Here is full gallery of photos we did that day:

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Greetings from Tentel ( Al Khabara Extravaganza) showing so much love in her eyes pictured together with her lovely Chrisy, both very pretty long haired beauties.

Tentel is owned by family Jaggo in Estonia

It was in April when we wrote of Tentel doing therapy dog in library and the event was filmed and team intervieuwed by people from Portuguese embassy in Estonia.

Now that was in TV in Portugal – click on picture to see video or directly from this link

How great is to look the kids talking English in video and how nice is to see Tentel ( Al Khabara Extravaganza) middle of doing something she loves.

Tentel well representing  our breeding from her grand grand mother Meeri, our very first Afghan Hound 1994, aswell her grandmother Favorita 1998,  her Sire Mouztafa 2006 and Mom Grace 2005 – all these generations behind had same lovely personality we are so proud of! We are also very happy that Tentel has owners who offer her all these great possibilities to… Continue reading

Very proud breeders here sharing the link to the latest FCI  Newsletter 3-2014 30/06/2014 where is article and photos of Tentel (Al Khabara Extravaganza, 2 years old), the “Listening Dog” and about this project and interview with Tentel’s owner Jane Jaggo

“A dog is a great companion for kids learning to read” – article by Marie Luna Durán, FCI Marketing and Public Relations Manager  is published in four languages (EN, SP, FR, D)

For more news is that Tentel just recently passed the exam by gaining high points and is now officially internationally certified Therapy Dog!

Newsletter 3-2014 30/06/2014


Tentel ( Al Khabara Extravaganza) enjoying summer, yes we have that blue sky here in Estonia!

Tentel is first Afghan Hound for her family, she lives with two lovely whippet girls. We are just admiring how beautifully taken care is her hair and so long ears as Tentel only week ago got 2 years old!

Here is whole gallery of  lovely photos:

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Photo by Mari Luud, Õhtuleht (c)

Tentel 16 mo (Al Khabara Extravagnza) from our E- litter, is busy girl in the project in Estonia “The Reading Dogs”

She is going in libarary and helping little kids to enjoy reading. Tentel is so gentle and patient with little kids and enjoying her new job a lot with her owner Jane Jaggo

Linked is the article in news today. Tomorrow morning they’ll have interview in radio Sky+. So cool!

Tartu raamatukogus alustasid tööd lugemiskoerad


Photo (c) Mari Luud, Õhtuleht


21.07.2013 , Ülenurme All Breed Show in Estonia

turned out great with next results:

Al Khabara Grace Of Love: Open Class Excellent 1,  EST CAC, EST CH, BEST OF BREED , BEST OF GROUP 3
Al Khabara Extravaganza:  Best Bitch 4
Al Khabara Escada: Junior Class Excellent 4
Kingsleah Amazing Grace : BIS II Progeny Group 

Many thanks to judges and to Aivo Jaggo for many wonderful photos!

See more photos here:

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New photos of Tentel – Al Khabara Extravaganza from our young E-litter, was made last weekend.

Tentel started her show career well by showing two times in junior classes with excellent results, she placed Best Bitch 4 out of junior at this last weekend at All Breed Show in Estonia.

Tentel is owned and handled by Jane Jaggo and very much loved by whole family.  She lives in first time Afghan Hound family  but  has two lovely whippet buddies.

We couldn’t be more happy with Tentel and her wonderful family !

Please look  more new photos at Tentel’s page



Entel  (Al Khabara Easy Breezy Me) and Tentel (Al Khabara Extravaganza) 7 month old,  were in show this weekend.

Entel was entered and for her  it was very first show ever and for Tentel it was  second show – tho both times she was in shows just for fun and to offer company for her litter mates. Entel did not understand anything about show yet – she enjoyed to meet people and sit on everyone’s lap or be cuddled rather than be on “catwalk”, but she’ll take it next time for sure, stay tuned;)

Entel was Best Puppy in Breed and was described as “well bodied for age” just like her brother Emerald a month ago. That to became stamp of our breeding;)

Tentel loved to be with her owner Jane and made the jaw dropper trick to all of us when we saw her move like a pro with Jane later after show was over.  How we regretted she was not entered! Watch this girl in rings at future! Pictured is Tentel in move !!!

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